Pay Per Click Management – Bid for Business!
Online marketing has gained momentum over the last decade with the advent of the internet. Web-based stores, businesses and services are hugely successful with fast and easy communication and collaboration over the internet. Apparel stores, appliance and furniture stores, distance learning, banking, bill payments, university applications and a dozen other businesses flourish online because of ease of use and convenience to consumers. With hundreds of players for every type of business, a good marketing strategy to lure customers is of paramount importance.
Advertising and Management
This is a type of marketing strategy that involves keyword-based results. When a customer types in a search query, a number of results are displayed from search engines, along with sponsored links. Each of these links directs a customer to a company’s website, and the company pays the search engine a predetermined amount. Each company selects a certain number of keywords which cause their links and websites to be displayed when a customer types in a query containing these words or related words.
Behind the Scenes: Agreements and Auctions
Search engines like Google allow companies to bid for keywords. Companies bid according to the keywords that relate best to their business and merchandise. If a company bids high, there is a high probability that its links occupy the number-one slot when the search engine results come in. Once a user clicks on a link and a customer is redirected to the company’s website, the company has to pay the search engine the amount bid for the keyword.
Companies hire marketing professionals to study consumer trends, market patterns and web activity to select for their clients the best keywords to bid for. They also take care of the links with well-worded ads since the link has to be sufficiently interesting to lure customers with just one or two sentences. The number of hits to a website depends on the ability of the marketing executive to pick the right keywords, the amount bid on them and the number of keywords linking to a company’s website.
How It Works
PPC Management strategy works on a simple mantra. Pay high, land the top spot and get picked first by a potential customer. Advertising is very fast, especially for new companies looking to establish their business. They build brand value very quickly if ads are strategically placed on popular websites offering related merchandise. Most shopper’s online take their time to pick out the best brand since so many reviews, blogs and alternates are available online. If a company’s link comes up often, there is a high likelihood of the customers’ interest being aroused. With well-bid keywords, a website will generate huge traffic
What Can Go Wrong?
Large bids can drain a company’s finances considerably. Ineffective keywords and badly worded ads generate no traffic at all, leading to losses and failure of the business. Also, if ads are placed with inappropriate sites, there is a good chance the links will be reported as inappropriate as well.
Overbidding and bad publicity are the biggest threats to this strategy.
PPC Management maximises the profitability and growth of a business by building its brand value and generating a good amount to traffic to boost business. If handled well, it becomes one of the most cost-effective and high-yielding methods to market a company online.
About the Author:
Carolyn Kay Mante is a freelance writer both in print and online. Her writing covers a wide range including online marketing and PPC Management. She contributes to the virtual community by writing for different blogs.
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